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Here is the information of the company, Chil Myeong Bio.
Greetings from Chil Myeong Bio Inc., a company specialized in animal feed manufacturing.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Our company was established in 2018 while researching
and developing feeds for a pet insect of the insect lover when I was 17.
Bearing in mind the joy when I first made the insect feed,
I will always pursue the principle of making feeds reliable to feed our pets.

We research, develop and produce feed edible for insects, pet feed made from insects.
We will continue our dedicated research until the day we can provide feed
for all our companion animals.

During my high-school days when I established the company, the interest and support
from the online, offline, and local communities made today’s Chil Myeong Bio possible.
I will do my best be an entrepreneur who exerts good influence and always strives
to give back to society as much as the interest and support you have given.

For those who need the mindset of a young entrepreneur, I will be there.
Chil Myeong Bio Inc. will always think from the customer's point of view, and will always
be a company that loves people and animals.
We will proceed until the day we become the world's best Feed manufacturing company.

Thank you.

CEO Kong Hui Jun
Chil Myeong Bio, Inc.

Customer Service Center
Weekdays: 00:00 ~ 00:00 Lunch time: 00:00 ~ 00:00 Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays